School Description
Wyman Elementary School is located Northeast of Downtown Denver at 1690 Williams Street. Just a few blocks to the east is Colfax Avenue, a potentially dangerous street for kids to be near. The closest park is City Park and is located about 5 blocks East and 1 block North.
According to the department of Information Services, in about 1888 John H. Wyman purchased the ground on which Wyman now stands from the school board. The school was opened in 1891, the total cost being $95,715.00. Mr. Long was the first principal, serving for eight years. Others followed throughout the years. In 1916 a fire of undetermined origin broke out in the night causing damage to the extent of $18,829. Classes were held then in St. Barnabas Church at 13th and Vine Streets and in a store building directly across the street from the school. The original building was torn down to make playground space for the new Wyman School in 1974. The old building was where the existing playground is now, so none of it has been incorporated in the current one.
Learning Landscapes Description
The design intent for Wyman calls for a focus on Native American heritage and its values.
May 2005
Landscape Architect
Mundus Bishop Architects
Play Equipment Vendor
Miracle Recreation Equipment Company

Wyman’s learning landscape will create a learning environment that is a place of comfort and security while promoting socialization and self-discovery.
- Create a playground that facilitates learning
- Create spaces that are non-programmed
- Improve the overall feeling and appearance of the playground
- Improve existing site conditions

The design intent for Wyman calls for a focus on Native American heritage and its values.
Illustrative Drawing
Design Development Drawings
Presentation Boards

Illustrative Plan
Construction Drawings
Play Equipment
Shade Structure