School Description
Palmer is a small school with a lot of personality. Our school offers ECE through 5th grade classes including advanced kindergarten. The student body is very diverse with from 10-12 different languages each school year. We attempt (and have been very successful) in keeping our classes small so that the upmost attention can be given to each individual child. They are each so important to us and we want to ensure that each has an excellent education.
Palmer Elementary School
Construction Date
Garden Sponsor
Denver Urban Gardens
Volunteer Projects
Community Garden

In partnership with our community, Palmer’s vision for its campus is a dynamic place celebrating diversity. A Geographical theme will be the foundation for learning about diversity in the neighborhood, city, state, nation and world.
- Create a foundation that utilizes geographical elements including maps of city, state, nation and world to promote multi-disciplinary learning.
- Create a multi-functional space that fosters school and community gathering.
- Provide a wide variety of places for students, teachers, and neighbors to be interactive and inventive both academically and physically.
- Create flexible places that can adapt to a wide variety of uses and programs.
- Create a welcoming, safe, fun and aesthetically pleasing playground.