School Description
Newlon Elementary School, a Denver Public School located in Southwest Denver, is the West Barnum neighborhood’s school providing for the educational needs of approximately 700 students within an Early Childhood Education, Kindergarten, and Grades 1-5 bilingual milieu.
Mission Statement – We will educate and motivate students within a safe environment in order to form them into life-long learners.
Learning Landscapes Description
The plan plays off the neighborhood’s founder Baron Walter van Richthofen’s Castle creating a “learning castle of the mind” to beautify the grounds and instill civic pride and ownership.

In partnership with our community, we will provide an interactive outdoor learning environment that celebrates a bilingual culture through literacy and language. We will also improve the outward appearance of our school and create a welcoming community place.
- To develop a central destination point within the Barnum West neighborhood.
- To allow an active environment that promotes learning while satisfying the need for more child activities.
- Create an interactive environment that focuses on literacy, language and culture.

The plan plays off the neighborhood’s founder Baron Walter van Richthofen’s Castle creating a “learning castle of the mind” to beautify the grounds and instill civic pride and ownership.
Illustrative Drawing
Design Development Drawings
Presentation Boards