School Description
Dora Moore K-8 School provides a rich tradition of shared dedication and commitment to educational excellence, which enables parents, staff and community members to create a stimulating and supportive learning environment. We are a community that values and recognizes scholarship, academic achievement and creativity. We provide an environment in which each student is known, respected and valued as an individual of great potential and promise. We provide a rigorous, academic curriculum that promotes high levels of student effort and academic achievement with the aim to foster high self-esteem through stimulating intellectual challenge and meaningful academic accomplishment. We inspire in students a lifelong love of learning and a strong desire for self -development.
Learning Landscapes Description
This historic building is located along a busy street with dangerous intersections and requires a safe place for children to be dropped off and picked up as well as enhanced security and improved buffering with a sub-alpine garden on the east side.
Dora Moore School
Construction Date
Completed August, 2010
Landscape Architect
Design Collaborative

The “Greening” of Dora Moore
- Foster neighborhood participation
- Participatory hands-on learning in an outdoor environment
- Improve quality and diversity of recreation and physical education opportunities.
- To create a safe school playground environment
- To celebrate the rich historical culture of Dora Moore school

This historic building is located along a busy street with dangerous intersections and requires a safe place for children to be dropped off and picked up as well as enhanced security and improved buffering with a sub-alpine garden on the east side.
Illustrative Drawing
Design Development Drawings
Presentation Boards