School Description
Columbian Elementary School opened in 1892. We have enjoyed over 100 years of tradition in Northwest Denver. Our “community school” is located at 2925 West 40th Avenue, in Denver on the corner of 40th and Federal Boulevard. Our one story structure was erected in 1985. The facilities staff and supervisors ensure that the building is well maintained, clean and safe for all members. Columbian is air conditioned and we have a multipurpose lunchroom/auditorium, a gymnasium, a computer lab, a keyboard lab, an art room and a parent resource center.
Outside we have three play structures, adjoined by our soccer field, tetherball and basketball courts. Our community garden, frequently maintained by students and family volunteers, helps us to recognize nature and landscape and natural vegetation. Our colorful multi-ethnic mural and banners created by our students are easily visible from Federal Blvd. and demonstrate the diversity within our halls.
Columbian currently serves about 300 students. Our youngest are three and four years old and students continue through fifth grade. We have 25 teachers in classrooms and in special areas and 15 non-instructional staff who support our students in different ways. Each member of our school community – staff, students and family members – is committed to our students’ success! We believe that we provide a welcoming and nurturing environment and instruction that is academically rigorous.
Learning Landscapes Description
Faced with severe on site drainage issues and a fragmented school yard design the plan proposed a central gathering area with high activity areas immediately adjacent and a water harvesting garden to mitigate storm water runoff and water quality.
Columbian Elementary School
Construction Date
April 2003
Landscape Architect
Intrinsic Design
Play Equipment Vendor
Play World Systems

The overall vision guiding the redevelopment of Columbian Elementary School is to implement and enhance outdoor learning opportunities focussed around elements of legacy, history and community.
- To strengthen the barrier to Federal Blvd. to reduce noise and enhance outdoor learning opportunities.
- To activate the unused southern lawn with community gardens or ecological classrooms.
- To create gathering spaces that allow for directed learning and play and create discreet spaces facilitate the slow quiet wonder of experiential learning.
- To celebrate the entry plaza as a place where both the school and the community can come together.

Faced with severe on site drainage issues and a fragmented school yard design the plan proposed a central gathering area with high activity areas immediately adjacent and a water harvesting garden to mitigate storm water runoff and water quality.
Illustrative Drawing
Design Development Drawings
Presentation Boards

Illustrative Plan
Construction Drawings
Play Equipment
Shade Structure