
What We Do

Using the Learning Landscapes Model which inspired broad public support and the public financing necessary to scale this model to every elementary school playground in Denver, Active Environments (add logo) works from a multi-disciplinary platform to build sustainable, healthy communities by developing partnerships along the way.

How We Do It

Our mission is threefold:
  • Design and construct environments that contain a range of opportunities or affordances for healthy living
  • Empower children and communities through programs for after-school activities, community organizing, healthy eating and active living
  • Evaluate and research in a comprehensive manner

Health in the Built Environment

Our primary focus is:
  • Increasing the level of physical activity in the population with small gradual steps
  • Improve dieting behaviors to reduce excess energy intake – eat smarter
  • Help children develop energy balance skills
Our work includes the widely successful Learning Landscapes program, the Intervention of Physical Activity in Youth (IPLAY) study, as well as some exciting new projects including a children’s activity toolkit and a study on activity levels in public parks throughout the metro Denver area.