School Description
Greenlee ECE, K-8 School, located in west Denver with easy access to downtown, hosts a variety of programs and services that draw students from around the city. These include English Language Acquisition classrooms for bilingual and English Language Learners, Headstart, and before and after school child care. We currently are transitioning from an elementary to an Early Childhood Education and Kindergarten through 8th grade school. Sixth grade was added in the 2005-2006 school year followed by 7th grade in 2006-2007 and 8th grade has been added for the 2007-2008 school year. Greenlee’s focus is on reading, writing and math. Instruction is based on assessment of student work through one-on-one conferencing, small group instruction, and evaluation of student skills. We implement Reader’s Workshop, Writer’s Workshop and Studio for literacy which includes classroom libraries and great teacher resources. Everyday Math and Connected Math are programs that compliment each other as students transition from elementary to middle school.
Learning Landscapes Description
Adjacent to one of the city’s major commuter arterials the school lacked identity with the neighborhood. The plan looked at adjacent land acquisition, stronger entries points for the community and reorganizing play areas to better accommodate the school children.
Greenlee Elementary School
Construction Date
Landscape Architect
Architects by Design
Play Equipment Vendor
Rocky Mountain Recreation
School Garden Sponsor
Denver Urban Gardens
Community Garden

Create a landscape that functions as an extension of both the school and the community and fosters new and greater opportunites for learning.
- Green the School Yard. Improve Recreational Opportunities.
- Connect with the Community.
- Incorporate Interactive Education.

Adjacent to one of the city’s major commuter arterials the school lacked identity with the neighborhood. The plan looked at adjacent land acquisition, stronger entries points for the community and reorganizing play areas to better accommodate the school children.
Illustrative Drawing
Design Development Drawings
Presentation Boards

Illustrative Plan
Construction Drawings
Play Equipment
Shade Structure